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Magic: The Tankening - World Of Tanks Generals

Huh, this one sort of came out of nowhere. You know World of Tanks? The game with all the explosions and tactical action and worlds and tanks? Well, it's a collectible card game now. Or rather, Wargaming's releasing an F2P TCG extension of the absurdly popular mechanized carnage semi-sim, because why not? These sorts of things tend to be pretty hit-or-miss, of course, but as a childhood TCG fiend, I must confess slight interest in World of Tanks Generals and maybe a relapse-borne cold sweat or two.

Currently, Wargaming's being fairly vague about precisely how it'll all play out, but the basic description sounds fairly intriguing.

"World of Tanks Generals is a free-to-play collectible card online game focused on World War II gameplay. Using a variety of units, players must destroy enemy headquarters at all cost... World of Tanks Generals features over 220 unique cards, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Units include tanks, artillery and infantry, as well as special bonus cards that can grant the player additional firepower or defenses, adding a new dimension of strategy to gameplay."

Generals will also apparently "combine elements of real-time strategy and collectible card gameplay," but for now, Wargaming's staying mum on exactly what that'll entail. It is, however, touting multiple modes, which include an SP campaign, PVP, "historic campaigns," and clan-based struggles on a "Global Map."

It's also browser-based and ties right into your World of Tanks account, so access is as easy as one-two-why-are-you-counting-you're-being-attacked-by-tanks. And then there's this bit:

"World of Tanks Generals will also be available as a card-based strategy board game."

Ooooh Rab? I think I have something for you.

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