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Making Progress: Tribes Ascend's Accelerate Update

It seems like only yesterday that Nathan wrote these words in regards to unlocking gear in Tribes: Ascend: "item unlocks still present a rather intimidating series of (often literally) uphill battles." The Accelerate Update flattens out those hills, or perhaps raises players to the top and allows them to roll down the other side. Well, sort of. The update addresses some frustrations by having gear upgrades unlock through use, although new weapons themselves will still cost XP or gold. There are 27 weapon variants coming as well, providing a place to spend all that surplus XP. The video below explains all.

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Listening to community feedback - and this isn't only true in gaming - often seems to mean hoping that at least a small section of the community says something that you intended to do anyway and then doing it. Hi-Rez seem to be more flexible and willing to adjust according to experience, even if that means adjusting experience according to experience. Good work.

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