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How to increase Settlement Level in Manor Lords

Here's how to increase your Settlement Level in Manor Lords

A shot of a village under construction in Manor Lords.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Hooded Horse

Want to increase your Settlement Level in Manor Lords? One of the ultimate goals in any game of Manor Lords is to slowly see your community evolve from a ramshackle tent housing a handful of peasants to a large town fit for a baron. Settlement Level is the metric used to monitor the ongoing evolution of your town, and Manor Lords plays its cards close to the chest when it comes to revealing what's required to make that level rise.

In short, the secret to jumping from settler's camp to village to town lies in making sure your citizens have roofs over their heads. Read on, as this guide to increasing Settlement Level in Manor Lords will reveal the full details.

Check out the release date announcement trailer for Manor Lords here. Check out those lovely roads.Watch on YouTube

How to increase Settlement Level in Manor Lords

Increasing Settlement Level in Manor Lords depends on the number of Burgage Plots you have, and their respective levels. Our guide to upgrading Burgage Plots has more info, but in a nutshell, Burgage Plots represent the available housing in your town for each family, and come with three different levels. Leveling them up and building more plots goes a long way towards upping Settlement Level, forces you to construct more town structures like the Church and Tavern, and generates additional Regional Wealth.

Refer to the table below to see the exact number of Burgage Plots you need for your Settlement Level to increase:

Settlement Level Burgage Plot requirements
Settler's Camp None (This is the default starting level)
Small Village Level 1 Burgage Plots x5
Medium Village Level 1 Burgage Plots x5, Level 2 Burgage Plots x2
Large Village Level 1 Burgage Plots x10, Level 2 Burgage Plots x5
Small Town Level 1 Burgage Plots x10, Level 2 Burgage Plots x7, Level 3 Burgage Plots x3
Medium Town Level 1 Burgage Plots x10, Level 2 Burgage Plots x10, Level 3 Burgage Plots x10
Large Town Level 1 Burgage Plots x30, Level 2 Burgage Plots x20, Level 3 Burgage Plots x15

It's important to note that the level requirements in this table overlap. For instance, to make a Medium Village, you need five Level 1 Burgage Plots, and two Level 2 Burgage Plots. You could build five Level 1 Burgage Plots and then upgrade two of them to Level 2 to meet the requirement. You don't need to build seven Burgage Plots in total.

Several Burgage Plots awaiting upgrade in Manor Lords.
All these Burgage Plots, and I'm still just a Small Village. Gotta upgrade them! | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Hooded Horse

Now that you know how to upgrade Settlement Level, it's time to get to work to ensure that your village meets its full potential! We've got more tips on Manor Lords if you need them - start with our beginner's guide, and then move onto our farming guide or trade guide. If you're more interested in the art of conquest and defending against hostile forces, check out our guide to raising an army.

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