Mashina is a chill stop-motion adventure with friendly robots from the Judero Team
Your plastic pal who's fun to be with
You'd think Talha and Jack Co would have earned themselves a nice custard cream and a sit down after having just released Judero last September, but they're back already with a crowdfunder for Mashina - a robo-stuffed adventure where you'll "Dig, build, discover and mend in a chill, stop-motion world." Now I think about, you could probably eat quite a lot of custard creams in five months, although less so if you were using your hands to build model robots. Have a trailer. It's got robots in it.
A very nice, digital press release with zero custard cream crumbs on it tells me that Mashina is based around "positive verbs" like 'build', 'nurture', 'discover', 'mend', and 'bomb'. It uses traditional stop motion capture with digital techniques, and the music is a tribute to Gamecube-era soundtracks, with the same synth used in Metroid Prime. "Warm and crunchy digital baths" is the phrased used, which I enjoy immensely. Track below. Jack's games always have such fantastic music.
Here are some Steam features:
- Dig to excavate rare minerals.
- Build helpful machines to aid your excavations
- Find robot pals, treasures, trinkets and more
- Meet locals and get missions
- Decorate your surroundings
The Kickstarter is very close to its £12,000 goal already, but still has around 3 weeks to go. If you've got a spare £500, you can even get yourself your own robot. They are very nice robots but I reckon I could probably draw a face on a dustbin lid and spend the rest on chips and Ric Flair action figures and a utility bill or two and be roughly as content. Again though, very nice robots.