Nest: a recursive mind scrambler with arrow keys
Layers upon layers
Oooh! What a lovely mind scrambler to start a morning with - Jonathan Whiting's Ludum Dare 37 entry is delightfully simple in terms of the controls and the idea, but good lord it becomes deliciously awkward and so complicated (for humans) early on! Nest [official site] is a recursive single-room movement puzzle which gradually layers control systems in such a way that even moving one square forward becomes a significant challenge, while turning ninety degrees is a challenge worthy of the next RPS sports day! Here - I made a video to explain:
In case you were wondering, the theme for this particular Ludum Dare challenge was "One Room" so Whiting's nested direction puzzle is perfect for that! It's available to download free of charge on his website and you can browse the rest of the competition entries here.