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Noir More Waiting: Jazzpunk Gets A Release Date

Neo-retro cyber gigglepunk

Last year, games like The Stanley Parable and Saints Row IV restored my faith in games' ability to be truly, tear-blastingly funny. I still think we can take things further, though. Much further. Jazzpunk may well be a step (followed by a slapstick banana peel slip) in the right direction. While it's littered with scraps of sharply written text, its main focus is on providing players with the tools to get a rise out of their own internal laughtracks. The world is basically a comedic powder keg just waiting to go off, and you, of course, are the match. I really enjoyed what I played of a demo version, and now the final version is set to come out next month.

Jazzpunk's Steam listing tells the full tale. It'll hit these mean, pizza-zombie-infested streets on February 7th. Oh, and in case you were worried, the goof-'em-up will, in fact, utilize "Stereographic Polygony Soundeo™, NOW IN COLOURVISON." It'll be available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Suppository.

The game's sense of humor is quite far removed from the 2013 megatons I mentioned above, but the demo I played delivered an equal number of laughs-per-millisecond. The net effect was that I spent the whole time making this continuous high-pitched sort of coughing noise. It was weird. But anyway.

I'm pretty thrilled that this one is finally right around the corner. How about you?

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