Not So Secret: Play Monkey Island Right Here
Well, the first 20 minutes of it. But right here. Lucasarts have gotten into bed with streaming browser game specialists InstantAction and come up with a clever special edition of the Special Edition of The Secret Of Monkey Island which fits neatly into an RPS post. This doubtless, was their sole intent for it. Expect more games converted to play within RPS posts, starting with Crysis 2 next month.
Making SOMI playable on RPS was, doubtless, InstantAction/Lucasart's sole intention for it, but by a happy coincidence it also means you can play the game at important social networking sites such as MyBook and Facespace. To buy the whole game ($10), you'll be taken off-site to InstantAction for sign-up merriment, but then you play the entire thing wherever it may be embedded.
Well, I say playable. The instantaction player crashes Java for me here, but hopefully you'll have more luck than me. This PC needs an enema.
If you want to embed the game on your own site, looky-here. Seems as though this is the first step in a wholly redesigned Instantaction business model, which means that, for the time being, all their old titles are not longer available. They claim they are coming back, however.