Off-Road Velociraptor Safari - Kill Now!
We mentioned the daft and joyful preview video of Off-Road Velociraptor Safari a couple of weeks back. Well, it's arrived.
And it's a stupid amount of fun. It's a game about driving a jeep, and running over velociraptors! Also performing stunts, collecting drops, and damaging your vehicle, ideally stringing these all together to create a high score in the five minutes available.
Created by Flashbang Studios, incredibly it was made in only eight weeks. I've certainly never played a Flash game that felt this solid, and am still fairly stunned it can be played in a browser window. Featuring just enough physics to feel convincing, but not so rigid that it prevents fun (the jeep rights itself, and so on), it's just brilliant daftness. Hurtling off a cliff, taking a raptor with you as you go, then spinning, landing with a crash that removes your bonnet, before releasing the chain and spiked-ball from the back of your car to whip at a crowd of blue beasties... well, it's great. (I've got the 3rd highest ever! Go me!).
I'd say it's fairly impossible to just have one go. I mean, I've got so much I have to get done today. Really important stuff. But, you know, maybe one or two more games? Maybe I can get second highest?