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The Plague Spreads: Pathologic Remake Hits Funding Goal

The Pathologic well travelled

Adam has left his post, fleeing into the hills above Manchester to wail and leap around, emitting guttural noises which sound like pain but are actually carnal joy. And all because the Pathologic re-make has reached its Kickstarter target. People who have visited Ice-Pick Lodge's original dark Russian adventure tend not to come back from its plague-infested town the same as when they entered, and now anyone who missed the original in 2005 - or anyone who found its off-kilter brokenness more enervating than engaging - will have a second chance to experience its grand weirdness.

Ice-Pick were looking for $250,000 to make the remake a reality, and have comfortably cleared the goal. They're currently sitting at $264,391 with six days left on the clock. There are updates going up over on Kickstarter regularly, viewable to all and showing physical backer rewards and concept art and so on. The team have also let slip a new set of images to celebrate the Kickstarter's success. Click to make 'em bigger.

(This appears to be an in-game or 3D render version of this piece of art).

If you're not content with merely images, you can of course read Adam's interview with Ice-Pick Lodge about Pathologic from this year's Gamescom. He's cooking up more materials for dissemination later this week.

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