Dodgy Rumour: Peggle 2?
Bloodhound-nosed Lewie P gets in touch to say he had a bit of an interesting encounter with a PopCap fellow, via the medium of Twitter. One that rather strongly suggested that the company might be gearing up for Peggle 2. Lead designer at PopCap, Adam Orth, sent out a tweet asking for an Art Director "for the Peggle franchise". Lewie retweeted this, and then said on his own account, "Imagine Peggle 2". To which Orth replied, "I am." Which he has since deleted. Rather tellingly. However, Lewie had already retweeted it. So yes, an awful lot of he said/she said. Except without the shes. We're going to contact PopCap to see if we can get an answer out of them. But in the meantime, let's all just assume it's true so hard that it has to happen.