Planet Of The Japes: Plan M
We've already hosted a brilliant collection of Ludum Dare games but have spotted another that I feel compelled to share. I know there are probably hundreds that I'd feel compelled to share if I played them all but sadly this is the first Ludum Dare for ages that I haven't been able to dig into properly. On to Project M though, which is a fairly lengthy point and click adventure about mad science and not-dead detectives. Grab the competition version or an enhanced release with tweaks and soundtrack here.
It reminds me of Ben There, Dan That but that might just be a case of the two being comedic adventures with a lead duo and janky animations. The enhanced version comes with this update note, which makes the entire project worthwhile in and of itself - "The size of Nixon's nose was increased in the Enhanced Edition".
I'm willing to admit that I haven't finished it because one puzzle has stumped me but I'm not going to say which one it is because I'd probably expose myself as a cretin of the highest order. Can't have that. If anyone finishes the game, do let me know and I'll pick your vastly superior brain.