Podcast: What we want from PC gaming in 2018
Listen to our demands
BAM. A sound captures your headphones and holds you hostage. It's the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. We've been lying in wait for the past three weeks, consolidating our strength and preparing to kidnap you by the ear canals. "Listen up, 2018!" we shout out from atop this metaphor. "We have a list of demands and we're not releasing this poor listener until you've delivered! Or until the one hour playtime is up, whichever comes first!"
Here's our demands: Adam wants more surprises and creativity from big developers, but also for Pathologic 2 to be good. Alec desires something that will confound and delight him as much as Twin Peaks, perhaps another act of Kentucky Route Zero. And Brendan wants a large, intricately-designed city to explore, maybe a release date for Cyberpunk 2077. Is that too much to ask? Our listeners also shout their demands, making the list quite a long one. But you had better deliver, 2018. Or else.
You can listen above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later.
You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Suspenseful hostage-holding music is by Jack de Quidt.
Want to write in with questions or suggest a theme for a future episode? Now you can, to podcast@rockpapershotgun.com.
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