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Poo Ghosts? Sanctum Of Slime Footage

Tell me, who is it that you are going to telephone? The ghost removers!

Just a small tip to the folks at Atari, for when they make their next trailer for the four-player top-down Ghostbusters co-op: Boasting that the game takes place, "Even in underground sewers!" is not exactly the basket into which you want to place all of your advert's eggs. A game that takes place in dull grey sewers? Where can I join a days-long queue?! However, that aside, below is some new footage of the game that's intended to show off the environments.

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See that?! SEWERS!!!

Also not helping the campaign is the complete denial of the game's existence on the Atari website, no URL at the end of the trailer, and no prominent Google presence for an official site. I finally found it here. Come on chaps! The game is rumoured to be out on PC sometime this Spring.

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