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Crazy (Not) Taxi: Roundabout Out In September

I'll be your roundabout

True fact: the song "Roundabout" by mega-proggers Yes is one of the greatest things. Case in point: here it is making JoJo's Bizarre Adventure infinity times better. But that's not actually what we're here to talk about today. Roundabout: The Game has little (perhaps even nothing) to do with jaunty '70s rock tunes.

Except that's not really a problem when it's just a different kind of great. As John highlighted last year, Roundabout is (round) about navigating a ceaselessly spinning limousine through an open world, a potent metaphor for life if ever there was one. And it has intentionally terrible FMV cut-scenes! September can't swerve into our lives, wheels all-too-literally painting the town red, soon enough.

Yeah, I think I need that.

Here are the things you will come across while playing as Georgio Manos, who is "arguably the world's most famous revolving chauffeur."

  • Open world puzzle game where you play as a constantly revolving limousine.
  • Cutting edge "Full Motion Video" tells the rise to fame story of Georgio Manos, the world's first revolving chauffeur.
  • Explore the world! Pick up passengers, find secret collectables, purchase properties, compete in side challenges, and more.
  • Earn money through passengers and real estate, then spend it all on new upgrades, paint jobs, horns and hats.
  • Dedicated eSports speedrun mode, achievements, emoticons, trading cards and more.

This looks so majestically dumb and silly that the hyberpole faucet on my tongue appears to be stuck.

Roundabout will be (roundab) out on September 18th via both Steam and Humble. Can you dig it?

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