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RPS Asks: Are You Playing An MMO?

Regular readers will probably have figured out that there's quite a bit of Killing Beasts going on behind the scenes here at RPS, even if we're not heavy MMO heads. I'm currently juggling Age Of Conan with my usual Eve habits, and worrying about what will happen if Jumpgate Evolution is any good. Alec is probably considering playing World Of Warcraft for another three years, and Kieron has been playing a free Korean MMO, which I'll be joining him so that we can talk about it a bit later in the week. It's only John that isn't virtual'd up at the moment. He's probably waiting for his reprise as the world's greatest healer class player in Champions Online, or something.

But that's enough about us. We want to know about you. Are you playing an MMO? If so which one? (Is anyone playing Horizons, pictured above? Because that frog thing looks ace, even though the game was definitely terrible.) Are you in a guild? Do play endgame stuff? And most importantly of all: which upcoming MMO are you most excited about, and why? (We need to know, so we can pester the right people, you see...)

Speak your brains!

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