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Same PR Problem As EST: GoG Sanitarium

When Chris SmallGods mailed me about this, I was determined to post about it. Primarily... well, to cover old sins, really. Not that I ever reviewed it - Sanitarium only was released when I first inched into Staffwriterdom - but it was pretty much ignored and/or brutalised by the British games press, and slowly climbed to a cult-status ever since. It's basically - if you squint - John the Baptist to Planescape Torment's Jesus Christ in terms of the failure of UK critical response of the period. Anyway - this psychological adventure game is now available on GoG. I've never played it, but - from what I've had grasped from God knows how many conversations about it from friends - that it's basically Psychonauts if the designers didn't find anything funny about mental illness. The examination of Lucasart's influence on the adventure is manifold... but in reducing suitable topics for adventure games to "gags" if probably the most noticeable, were I to be critical.

Anyone played it? Do you think it's still worth playing? And similar! The ever-handy youtube Footage follows...

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