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Scoping Strategies: Sniper Elite 3 Out Now

With two player co-op

"German officer, your life force energy is fading."

The screenshot made me hope for Treguard's tones but sadly it was not to be. Sniper Elite 3 could have taken the series in a bold new dungeon-crawling direction but further inspection reveals another WWII organ-busting simulator. That's not to say it's not worth your time and precious pennies though. The game is out in Blighty now, having struggled through a staggered geographic release, and we'll be taking a look through our critical scopes in the near future. Go prone and watch the trailer from afar.

I haven't spent a great deal of time with the previous games, which always seemed to fall into close range combat far sooner than I hoped, but the trailer really does make the game look like Hitman: Private Assassin. Private as in a rank rather than...forget it.

The point is, I want to play the game in that trailer. Of course, years of watching trailers have trained me never to trust the apparent evidence before my eyes. Two player co-op is appealing though. I'd make my ally be a spotter and take away all of their weapons at the beginning of every level.

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