Section 8: Footage And Glimpse Of Story
While I've been having a right old laugh in the beta for Section 8, as detailed here, we've not heard much about the single player game, until today. 'Neath the click is a trailer that SouthPeak sent over, which features the TimeGate team talking about their single player campaign. It's not clear how linear it'll be, as it looks like it'll be a bot-driven series of objective-based battles to intro you to the game concepts, and the story of the battle between the two factions. The game footage in this clip has it looking fairly awesome, anyway, with some serious robo-stomp tango. They're obviously proud of the mech smashing humanoid opponents, and I was pretty stunned when I saw that happen for the first time in-game.
However, in maximal face-palming news, the "open" beta is for Fileplanet subscribers only. Not open, then, eh? I really hope there's some wider access to this, or a demo, or it's going to be shooting itself in the foot on PC.