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Seriouser: Serious Sam HD SE Trailer

After the really rather splendid job Croteam did with remaking Serious Sam, it's good news to see Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter coming along so soon. You can see a frenetic trailer of the action action action below, and begin salivating over a co-op play-through of the second game's manic scenes.

The new content includes, beyond the complete overhaul of the engine obviously, integration with Steam, letting you play 16-player deathmatch in both old and new maps. There's also a bunch of achievements for anyone weird enough to care about that. And more importantly, Survival, Co-Op (including Coin-Op Co-Op), Versus and Team modes (including Team Deathmatch, CTF and Last Team Standing).

Also, there's shooting stuff. Lots.

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