Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Cursing May
Hopefully not a metaphor
Sherlock Holmes has already survived an encounter with Cthulhu, I can't imagine that The Devil's Daughter [official site] will cause the great detective too much bother. That said, maybe she has something to prove. She'll certainly have to pull more pranks than her old da to be taken seriously, and even then folks will say she hasn't earned her cape. (Yes, I did read this about Chris Eubank Jr. the other day.) "Are... are you Satan?" quivering mortals ask. "Well, I'm a Satan" she sighs.
Point is, Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter will arrive on May 27th, Frogwares have announced. I mean, I assume it's about the literal daughter of the literal Devil.
I do like that Frogwares make Serious Sherlock Game, Serious Sherlock Game, Stuff It Make Him Solve The Curious Case Of Dracula's Hand Mirror, Serious Sherlock Game, Serious Sherlock Game... it's nice to shake up your rhythm with a frankenstein or two.
Thought we now know The Devil's Daughter is coming in May, we still don't know much about the game. I wonder why Frogwares are keeping it covered. John didn't really like the last one and I wonder what's different.
What we do know, broadly, is that it'll have five cases, neighbourhoods to roam freely around, and some action sequences, and that "the powers of analysis and composure of Sherlock Holmes will be shaken by emotion as he is caught between family, dark forces and powerful thirsts for vengeance..."
Sometimes, even a Satan is scary enough.