Sky Boats: Pulp!
If I say "airship combat", there are two ways your mind could go. You might take a traditional route, and imagine dirigibles at war, firing weapons from beneath their mighty balloons. Or if you've a slightly stranger mind - say the mind of a developer at Nectar Games - you might see actual boats, sailing on the sky as if it were the sea, firing their canons at each other. And that's what the over-excitedly named Pulp! is about.
The surprising thing is, this is a single-player game, despite looking ripe for multiplayer pickings. But it also means there's more to it than scraps - they say levels will have multiple ways of being approached, along with customisable boats designed to fight different enemy types. You can see it in its slightly stilted action here:
There's inevitably a Kickstarter - it's a week old and making slow progress toward a modest $25,000 goal, with a copy of the finished game going for $15.