Make it sorta: Space Engineers warps into beta status
Space Engineers [official site] is still in early access but has now officially reached beta status. I believe means Keen's software rocket is still risky enough that they wouldn't send humans up but if a few monkeys explode in the name of progress, so be it. Perhaps one such monkey is you. The update blasting the space craft-o-build-a-sandbox into beta has brought new multiplayer netcode, a tutorial campaign, redesigned and rebuilt blocks, magnetic boots, improvements to rendering and physics, and other such neat-o improvements.
The update launched last week. Check the patch notes for the full scoop and have a gander at this shiny new trailer:
So when will Space Engineers properly launch? Keen Software House still aren't sure but do say this about its future:
"The most important thing to remember with this announcement is that there is still more content, improvements and many optimizations to come. As an example, we can confirm that one of the things being worked on currently is a new HUD which should significantly increase your immersion in the game. Beta simply means that we feel the game now has a solid foundation. Some of the new models will be receiving adjustments because of feedback from the community. Multiplayer will be seeing more optimizations and improvements to make it run even better and make it more durable. These are just a few examples of areas still in need of attention."
I've no real sense of how Space Engineers is coming along nowadays, so perhaps some of y'all can share some thoughts with your fellow readers dear? Mmmostly I want to see Pip return to destroy more spacesharks and Homers.