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Splash Damage Help Save The Tapirs

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars developers Splash Damage have taken on the prenhensile-snouted jungle dwellers as their unofficial mascot for some time now, and were keen advocates of World Tapir Day. However, rather than simply using the beast as a crazy icon for their blog-posting shenanigans, they've actually decided to take some action in helping save the endangered ungulate.

As overdue recognition of the sterling service our Tapir friends have done us in our work, Splash Damage are delighted to announce that we're donating a GPS collar to help keep track of one of our Tapir cousins in Costa Rica via the excellent Here in the office we're also making individual contributions to help this very deserving conservation effort, and we'd encourage any and all of our readers and players to do likewise.

Now if only a few other folk would help out, the tapir might actually have a chance of not being wiped off the face of the planet. What animal have you helped survive its human enemies, readers?

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