Spring Fling: Indie Royale Births A New Bundle
Spring time has always been a bit of a double-edged sword for me. On one hand, there are flowers and refreshing breezes, and the sun smiles like in an old black-and-white cartoon, except with a chillingly sinister undertone because it's kind of pissed about global warming these days. But, on the other, crippling allergies render me incapable of drawing breath. Fortunately, thanks to Indie Royale's spring bundle, I can now take my mind off my sputtering, purple-faced death by partaking of a nice selection of indie games on the cheap. So that's nice.
This time around, Indie Royale's ringing in the season with intergalactic tower defender Unstoppable Gorg, dynamic hack 'n' slash dynamo Depths of Peril, co-op retro platformer Tobe's Vertical Adventure, neon-lit twinstick action-RPG Inferno+, slide-centric Tetris riff Slydris, and stylish twin-stick to-do Ballistic. Currently, the minimum's at $4.54, so you may feel the seductive caress of an impulse buy creeping across your wallet.
Any takers? Personally, I never got around to trying out Depths of Peril, which seems like it'd be up my alley. Also, at this price, Unstoppable Gorg looks sort of attractive. I'm a sucker for goofy 1950s sci-fi, even if it's attached to a game that feels like it learned its communication skills from the 1950s. What about you, though, singular reader that I always address at the exclusion of everyone else? Does anything in this bundle strike your incredibly attractive and intelligent fancy?