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How to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws

Here's how to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor needed to make Smoke Bombs in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of a Stormtrooper within Smoke Bomb smoke.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Ubisoft

Looking for the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws? The Smoke Bomb Compressor is a unique part that can only be acquired in one region in Star Wars Outlaws and is needed to unlock the 'Smoke Bomb' Mechanic skill.

As the name would suggest this skill allows Kay to craft Smoke Bombs, a fantastic tool that can help you stealth your way into Imperial Outposts with greater success. The Smoke Bomb Compressor is located in a particularly windy region of Toshara and you'll need to get past several puzzles to obtain it. Join us as we go through a full walkthrough below on getting the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws.

Smoke Bomb Compressor location

The Smoke Bomb Compressor is located within the northern Boulder Forest region on Toshara. Once you make your way over to the map marker, follow these steps to get the part:

  1. Travel to the map marker indicated below, where the entrance to the region can be found. You'll need to use your Speeder speed boost to get through the cave entrance.
  2. Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of the route Kay needs to take to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor part.
    The only way through this windy region is via this cave entrance. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Ubisoft
  3. At the end of the cave will be a seemingly dead end. If you look up, however, there is a grapple spot you can use to get to the above ledge (indicated by the yellow sign below).
  4. Continue forward and slide down the dirt path.
  5. You'll notice the area is particularly windy, if you cross into any wind currents you'll be blasted back, preventing your progression through the area and wounding Kay. Take care to time the following moves.
  6. Continue up the path westwards, using a grapple to jump over the next gap.
  7. In the next area, use the large boulder to protect you from the wind and time your progression forward accordingly.
  8. Ignore the sleeping beast to the right of you. Instead, grapple up the wall to the left to get up to the high ledge.
  9. Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of the route Kay needs to take to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor part.
    Grapple points are usually indicated via a white and yellow sign like this. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Ubisoft
  10. Watch out for the wind and run across this ledge once it stops.
  11. The next grapple point has to be timed perfectly to make sure you don't get blasted and thrown into the jaws of the beast below. Jump just before the wind stops to get across safely.
  12. Use the next grapple point to descend to the next area.
  13. Make your way down the valley until you see a flashing light ahead and a huge blast of consistent wind.
  14. The trick here is to use the stun mode on your blaster to shoot the flashing node. This will close the doors the wind is jutting through temporarily, giving you enough time to hide behind the large boulder in the centre of the area.
  15. Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of the route Kay needs to take to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor part.
    Use this boulder for cover, you cannot make the full distance in one go. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Ubisoft
  16. Shoot the node again to make the full journey to the doors.
  17. Head inside the compound via the fissure in the wall to the right of the doors.
  18. Once inside, shoot the power node ahead to cross the room safely to the control panel on the other side.
  19. Hold down both levers here, using both Nix and Kay. This will open a new room opposite the control panel.
  20. Shoot the node again to cross the room once more and head into the newly opened door.
  21. Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of the route Kay needs to take to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor part.
    You can command Nix to hold down one of these levers for you. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Ubisoft
  22. Inside this room is a chest containing an Overgrown Amber Stone charm you can equip via the 'Loadout' menu.
  23. Now, exit via the doors ahead which will lead to an elevator.
  24. Take the elevator up to a new room. Inside is a container with the Smoke Bomb Compressor inside.
  25. Feel free to unlock the 'Smoke Bomb' skill right away, via the 'Mechanic' expert tab in the 'Abilities' menu.
  26. Exit the area and try out your new ability on some pesky Stormtroopers.

That rounds up our guide on getting the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws. For more Star Wars Outlaws tips and tricks, check out our guide to all Expert Locations to unlock new skills as quickly as possible or see our guides to the best Trailblazer upgrades and best Speeder upgrades to smooth out your traversal both on and off-world. If you're short on cash, also see our list of tips for making Credits fast or our guide to unlocking the black market in Mirogana.

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