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StarGate Worlds Beta Signup

I have to admit I never quite saw the appeal of the StarGate TV series, but there's no accounting for taste. It is clear, however, that the gates make the perfect fiction for a science fiction MMO. It's a fair bet that StarGate World's creators Cheyenne Mountain are feeling a little nervy in the light of Tabula Rasa's high-profile lack of success, so perhaps the huge TV show fanbase will be help them along a bit. And, y'know, let's hope the game is fun too.

Anyway: there's a beta coming up. "A game is nothing without players. We're fired up to finally get our game in the hands of the community," said Dan Elggren, Stargate Worlds studio head. "We're at the point where we need external testers to take Stargate Worlds to the finish line. Our devoted fans have helped guide us for more than two years through our forums. Together, we're going to craft a balanced, polished, and most of all, fun game." I hope he's right. And I'll hopefully see you lot in there.

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