Sci-Fi Scares: Stasis's Prequel Chapter Is Coming
A petrifying prequel
I enjoyed two sci-fi point and click adventures last year: Technobabylon and Stasis [official site]. This post concerns the latter - a grimy adventure game analogue to Soma - and the post-release plans of developers The Brotherhood. They'd listed a prequel chapter as a stretch goal during the crowdfunding campaign, and have now begun work on that new slice of horror. Rather than taking the relatively easy route of building the Cayne chapter using the tools and techniques used for the base game, The Brotherhood are taking things to the next level, like some kind of extreme sports personality. This post explains all.
Essentially, the plan is to take all of the experience gained from working on Stasis to make the experience of making Cayne more efficient. All of the lessons from Stasis aren't just feeding into Cayne, they're changing the way development will play out from the ground-up.
"STASIS started off as a hobby project, and during production much time was spent trying to get things working. While I wouldn’t consider this time wasted (I discovered a lot of ways how NOT to do things), we're going into this new chapter with a better knowledge of how our future games need to be put together."
That should mean a prettier, smoother serving of horror, although 'prettier' and 'smoother' are relative terms. It'll still be gross and grungy, no doubt.
"I want to push the design of Cayne into new directions. Cayne will portray more of Nic and my personal game styles – in all aspects, from the story to characters and environments. We want to bring in something slightly different to STASIS universe to challenge ourselves. But Cayne is set in the same universe, so we aren’t going to stray too far from our 80s roots."
For more on Stasis, take a look at Alec's review of the original release.