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T-Shirt Compo: Winnahs

As you may recall, a while back, we ran a competition to win some natty t-shirts. The challenge was to design a possible RPS shirt, and the deadline was ooh, ages ago. Here, then, are the five winners, each of equal standing. We had a fair whack of entries, the vast majority of which involved a graphical take on rocks, paper, and shotguns - so, if you also sent in one like that, you can tell yourself you won, but the prize got lost in the Sarlaac pit or something.

Here's Matt Breit's super-clean take on our logo:

More winners beneath the cut.

Dartt remains, I believe, pretty much the only RPS reader to acknowledge our repeated references to Horace the Endless Bear:

James Glover keeps it simple, Garry's Mod-style:

Chris Chapman's design is possibly more suited to a book (RPS: the book - now there's an idea...) than a t-shirt, but it's hard to resist the hilarious idea of someone wearing our names over their left nipple:

John Roberts goes with this spookily accurate visualisation of the RPS Hivemind, but complains I don't have a strong enough internet identity to pastiche. Hmm. I do have an exceptionally large Adam's Apple, so there's that.

So, congratumalations to the winners, and big huge thanks to everyone who entered. You all did well.

Victors: when you get a mo, please drop me a mail with your address and desired t-shirt, colour and size from Splitreason.

And now, after a week away from PC games, I need to go and desperately think up something to post about.

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