The Division 2 fighting for Washington DC in 2019
The snow is gone!
Ubisoft today revealed The Division 2, continuing their near-future post-apocalyptic online open-world shooter-RPG series. This time, players will be fighting for survival--and to establish order--in Washington DC. Unlike the first game's snowy New York City, this seems quite a pleasant place, aside from the virus and all the gangs and factions murdering each other. Here, watch the first lump of gameplay footage in a demonstration vid from Ubi below. And yes, you bet your botty it includes ha-ha-hilarious scripted banter between players.
And sure, here's the dramatic cinematic announcement trailer too:
The Division 2 is slated to launch on March 15th, 2019. You can sign up for beta testing on its site.
Ubisoft's own E3 briefing is on Monday, so I'm sure we'll see and hear more soon.
Check out our E3 2018 tag for more announcements, trailers, news, and goodness knows what else.