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The Great Screenshot Quiz Bonanza Spectacular Of 2015

What fun!

I've got a quiz for you!

Part of this arduous labour that is my job is to take an awful lot of screenshots. And once taken, they need names. Now, a better person than me would have some sort of System, which would make them so incredibly easily organised, labelled, and rediscovered. But I am not a better person than me. I'm me. So it is that I give them three or four letter names that I ludicrously believe will mean something to me more than four minutes later. Then, they get dumped into a section of my screenshot folder entitled "OLD", which after almost eight years of RPS stands at exactly 30.0GB big. 30GB of 100k-ish cropped screenshots, poorly labelled, archived for Later Use. Let's see if you can figure out what the bloody hell they all are.

Generally, the purpose of keeping them all is to have something to go back to when writing about an older game. Where I have a bunch of shots I've taken, they do tend to be in a more helpfully labelled subdirectory. But the loose ones - they're the mischievous mess. I thought I'd share the entertainment gained from trying to work out which is what, with a little quiz. No prizes, just comment-based glory. What are this lot from, eh?











This feature was originally published as part of, and thanks to, the RPS Supporter Program.

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