The One Who Blocks: Great LEGO: Breaking Bad Fanfilm
If the LEGO: [Insert Popular Culture Icon] series has been a bit too cute for you, then animator Brian Anderson has the perfect solution. Solution as in chemistry. Chemistry as in a bit of the plot of Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad as in he's made a brilliant animation that shows just what BB would look like if Traveller's Tales crammed it into their giant LEGO mould. It is perfect.
Warning: as cute as it is, it does contain spoilers for the first four seasons. Clicky if you have seen it, or if you just don't care.
The bit I'm talking about is where Jesse and Walter have to rebuild their mobile meth den by collecting all the scattered LEGO pieces, then press A to cook up some delicious meth. It is a pivotal scene in the show and I'm flabbergasted that he dared to ruin it for everyone. Actually, the details are superb and subtle, but there are spoilers in the wonderfully observed character selection menu, as well as a scene ripped right from the end of season 3. The rest is magnificent LEGO gold that has nothing to do with Walter White's journey to drugs kingpin, and everything to do with car crashing, minifig smashing, and meth collecting.
I wonder if there's a meta commentary on the LEGO game's addictiveness, here? Am I even allowed to say that? What about this: LEGO: more addictive than meth.