The Sunday Papers
Sundays are about finding yourself awake in a child's room, crawling downstairs to your friend's computer knowing this is the best you're going to feel all day and if you don't post a list of interesting reading found from across the week while resisting linking to any music whatsoever now, it's likely your brain will never handle it. Go! Go!
- Ex PC-Zone wunderwriter Log tells a story of improvised problem solving in Future Publishing's toilets. Well done, Log.
- Kriss Daniels piece on the IGF Judges is more worth reading for the general point than the specifics of his argument. Putting aside the games journalist hate, he loses me on his determination to classify all designers as frustrated writers - which he compounds in the comments by being ignorant enough to argue that Jonathan Blow secretly would have preferred a book deal rather than doing Braid. Really? But as a general point - is the IGF judge selection criteria skewed enough influence the games which are hailed - it's worth thinking about.
- This is old, but worth reading with the re-emergence of the Crunch-debate. Evan Robinson at IGDA about why Crunch is totally uneconomic and doesn't bloody work.
- G4 interview Chris Taylor about Demi-God. We'll be bringing a verdict on this relatively shortly. As in, when we get a copy. Man!
- Bit-Tech do a lengthy and articulate interview with Tale of Tales on the Path. Interestink!
- Soren Johnson writes on the hidden benefits of OnLive.
- Dan Curtis Johnson writes on the relative stability of the two big Icelandic currencies - their real one and Eve's one.
- This is fun. Paul Barnett pointed me at this piece on eight legendary videogame prototypes. I love this kind of gaming cryptoarchaeology.
- Following on from our usability interview with Jason Schklar, Dan Gril pointed out Darwinia's usability report. Ooh.
- Old comrade in arms Alex Torrance linked to the nearly-thirty-years-old Welcome (To Death Row) by Bernard Szajner saying it was amazing. He's right. It's totally amazing.
Failed. But at least I didn't link to anything from the Queen Tribute band I saw last night, eh?