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To The Moon Minisode 2 Is Really Very Good

Short term memories

To The Moon [official site] remains one of RPS's favourite games. If all the tears this game has caused around the world were put in one place, that place would be a new ocean. Saltier than the Dead Sea. A lovely, charming, and deeply moving thing, about a pair of scientists who change a dying person's memories to give them the life they'd always wanted, it has already been followed by one "minisode". A free extra bit, simply called Holiday Special Minisode, it intelligently explored the relationship between the original game's lead characters, as well as shining new light on the ethics of the company for which they work.

And now there's a second free minisode, Sigmund Minisode 2.

Cor. Cor blimey, it's really good. Like the previous one, there's not an enormous amount of choice, but the story that plays out continues where the last left off, and is properly intriguing. Last time doctors Neil and Eva were trapped in the offices of Sigmund on Christmas Day by a snowstorm, with protesters outside, creating a little bottle episode that gave more background to the morally questionable service the company provides. This picks up after the protesters finally leave, and the snow eases off, and staff start making their way back to homes for Christmas dinner. And I can't really say more, other than that it sets up an awful lot of interesting possibilities for the long-awaited sequel. If you're a To The Moon fan, then this is essential. If you're not, then you need to be playing To The Moon so you'll be one.

By the way, you can respond to the freeness of the episode by donating toward a fund for one of the pixel artists at Freebird who is currently hospitalised with cancer. Jordan, a pixel artist on all the Freebird games, has been diagnosed with cancer, and is receiving some intensive chemotherapy. There are details in the game for how you can help out, should you want to.

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