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Tomorrow's Planetside 2 Call To Arms

Tomorrow night, then. Here's how it's going to go down.

We've tentatively agreed to kick the crap out of the PC Gamer outfit from 2000 UK time tomorrow on Amerish, Miller server. We'll probably form up from 1900.

If you don't want to play Vanu, there is an RPS NC contingent who I hope will also be out and about.

Meanwhile, the VS Outfit, aka The Giraffes, will be making up the main platoon for Thursday's activities. To get on there you will need to get an outfit member to invite you. You can find their organisation thread here to beat the rush.

We'll be using the Quasi-Official RPS Mumble server for voice comms, details for which can be found here. You're going to want to listen (and there will probably be too many people for you to tell us about your cats, anyway) so get signed up there even if you don't have a mic.

A useful resource is PS2Maps, which has live maps of the territory in the game. I've yet to see if I can put that on a second monitor while I am playing, but I presume it'd be handy. Plus the site is awesome anyway.

Finally, I notice the main Planetside 2 account tweeted about our planned rumpus, so things could get hectic.

Planetside 2 is here and it is free. Bring your friends.

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