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Tracks Of Their Tears: Open TTD Goes 1.0

Aron Persson brings news that Open TTD - the 6+-year-in-making Open Source clone of Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Deluxe - has reached that ever-alluring 1.0. Well done them. It's far more than a straight copy, featuring a hefty list of additions, from maps 64x as big, 255-player multiplayer and... oh, just go have a look at the list. If you've got any interest in planes and trains and automobile and - er - cargo, it's got to be a must-download, surely? You can get the 1.0 from here. And now we celebrate their achievement by linking to some user-footage from last year inappropriately soundtracked with a eurodance version of the Final Countdown.

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This isn't a good day for RPS music.

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