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Triad Wars Lets Sleeping Dogs Name Lie, Is Online-Only

Hair of the dog that bit ya?

Sleeping Dogs is one of those quietly under-appreciated games; not because it was brilliant, but because it was surprisingly alright despite all appearances to the contrary. Curiosity abounds then for the follow-up, which is called simply Triad Wars. It's the "flip-side" of Sleeping Dogs, which apparently means it's an online-only "open world action strategy game". Hmm. There's a a trailer full of footage and talking developers below, which explains more of what that means.

This is interesting! I'm often frustrated that open-world games don't let you change that world in any meaningful way, so an online version of Sleeping Dogs where you can work as a criminal to capture parts of the city might scratch that itch. I'm also not against the idea of taking Sleeping Dogs' context-sensitive combat - with all its silly swordfish-skewering kill moves - into a place where I can perform those actions against other people.

Assuming of course that the MMO-ness doesn't make that combat guff.

If you've got questions, there's a Reddit AMA happening at 12pm PST today. This is the first peep about the game since its initial announcement last October.

Sleeping Dogs itself had a troubled development, beginning life as a follow-up to the True Crime series before being abandoned by Activision and picked up by Square Enix. Alec liked the result quite a bit, even if he found it ultimately forgettable.

Thanks, PC Gamer.

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