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Trilby: The Art of Theft

Clearly, when the history books of gaming-discourse are written, the year of 2007 be given over entirely to the wonder of Rock Pa... no, not fooling anyone. Because clearly, the year belongs to Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw and his hyperspeed Zero Punctuation rants over at the Escapist (And, if you want an idea of how big a thing Yahtzee has been, have a look at the Alexa stats for the Escapist over the last few months).

But with his recent fame, his previous notoriety as creator of cult indie adventures has been kinda overlooked. Expect his first game post-Zero-Punctuation to arrive to a larger audience. Interestingly, while built in AGS, it's not a pure adventure at all. Staring Trilby - the sort of gentleman thief which RPS will always approve - it reminds me of a cross between Impossible Mission and Thief (In fact, it vaguely reminds me of my limited time with old-skool Bonanza Bros). Download to see Thief's dark=safe, light=trouble, kinda-dark=oo-er, missus mechanic integrated... well, pretty well, actually.

Now: How long until one of the fanboys who are amusingly annoyed over some of Yahtzee's reviews to have a crack at doing a ZeroPunctuation-parody review of it?

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