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Tripwire: If You Cheat, We'll Tell Your Mom

Methinks the extended stress and strain of game development has made the good folks of Tripware interactive get just a little bit crazy. But in a nice way. After finally being able to buy and install Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, some fans over at Reddit noticed that there was a few humorous additions to the electronic user license agreement - traditionally the most vast and boring of all the documents in gamingland, but not in this case. It's all quite sweet, and clearly in good fun: It's nice to have a story about EULAs that isn't about publishers trying to further restrict your rights for once. The whole thing has been snapped and had the appropriate bits highlighted here.

If you prefer your words from developers to be more heartfelt than silly, Tripwire founder & president John "RammJaeger" Gibson took to their forums to pass on his thanks to their supporters. Let's hope they never lose that enthusiasm.

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