Ubisoft Restore Games After Key Reseller Mess
Ubisoft have returned Far Cry 4 and other games to the accounts of folks who'd unknowingly bought game keys from resellers selling a load obtained "using fraudulent credit card information."
Cast your mind back to January, when Ubisoft up and removed games from people's Uplay accounts without notice or warning, only explaining later that the keys were iffy, bought from Origin with wonky details. Ubisoft's initial stance was that folks should seek a refund from the reseller who sold them the key, but they've changed their minds. Folks who activated their iffy key and had started playing now have their game back.
"After further investigation into the matter of keys that were fraudulently purchased on EA's Origin store, we are reinstating keys for consumers who already had successfully activated and started playing the games," Ubisoft told Game Informer yesterday. "Any remaining fraudulently obtained and resold keys have been deactivated."
Ubi repeated their advice to only buy games from Uplay or "trusted retailers". They don't offer a list of quite who those retailers are, but I suspect folks can sense what might be iffy.
I understand Ubisoft are none too pleased about folks using dodgy keys, but silently pulling games from people's libraries and not explaining it until a mass of complaints formed was a pretty unpleasant approach.