Divided We Fall: The Division Delayed To 2015
Vaccinate while you still have the chance
I feel it's important to stress that we're not just dealing with any old division here. This is The Division, and damn it that means something probably. Ubisoft's equal parts shooty and paranoia-y MMO is still a largely unknown quantity (E3 demo contents aside), but I'm sure it wouldn't be given the real life equivalent of a Twitter verified account without a good reason. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out what exactly that reason is, as The Division's been pushed to The Year 2015.
Predictably, the game is disappearing behind a curtain of anthrax-laced cash in the name of quality. So wrote the dev team:
"Working on The Division is a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us at Massive, Reflections, and Red Storm Entertainment. We are creating something we are really proud of and we don't want to compromise on quality. We are going to release the game when it's ready."
"We want to thank you again for the exceptional ongoing support. Community is at the heart of what we are doing and we’re very much designing the game with you in mind, so your involvement means a lot to us."
Once upon a time, The Division was set to skip PC entirely, which of course would've been a grave mistake ultimately looked back upon as the beginning of the fall of humanity. Fortunately Ubisoft and co had a change of heart, and main developer Massive is aiming to make something far beyond just a simple port.
So that's good news. There's still that whole "linear flow of time" business we've got to put up with, though. On the upside, The Division will be on display at E3, and I'll be in attendance. I'll let you know all about it and also The Addition, The Subtraction, The Famous Rush song Subdivisions, and whatever else someday probably. Maybe. When you're old enough. If you live that long.