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UnderMine 2 is the cave delving sequel to Thorium’s action roguelike

It's got bomb tennis and gigantism potions

Two friends play tennis with a bomb in Undermine 2
Image credit: Thorium

Action roguelike UnderMine is getting a numbered sequel. That number is two. The follow-up to 2020’s action roguelike is UnderMine 2. It was announced today as part of the Triple-i Initiative, which is a silly name that I’m writing with the correct stylisation out of respect to UnderMine 2’s slimes.

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The game’s Steam Page should be up by the time you read this, but the trailer does a nice job of showing off what you’ll be up to as you batter slimes and collect upgrades as one of two playable characters. This is great news for me, because it means I don’t have to fill space by writing stuff like “UnderMine? I barely know ‘er mine!” or speculating about why you’d want to go underneath a mine when mines themselves are already known for being fairly subterranean. Also, if you just got out from underneath a mine, it seems foolhardy to immediately go and source a second mine to get stuck beneath, but I suppose that’s sort of the deal with adventuring. Right, right. Details.

The first thing that stands out to me in the trailer is its lovely spread of interesting enemy weirdos. The game straddles the line between ARPG and roguelite, and enemy attack patterns look to support this, with bullet hellish projectile spreads, fireballs and AOE’s filling up the busy screen. To combat this, at least one of the characters has a grappling hook. There’s also a charming slime vendor, selling weapons, upgrades, and potions that turn you into a marauding giant version of yourself. The game is also not short on quality moustaches, although whether these have any tangible gameplay effect is unclear. Are there any game moustaches with a tangible gameplay effect? Please let me know in the comments.

UnderMine was single player, but if the bomb tennis in the trailer is anything to go by, this one looks to feature co-op. You can read the rest of our Triple-i coverage here.

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