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Warframe devs announce Keystone, a new F2P FPS


Digital Extremes, the developers behind wildly popular free-to-play robocrustacean action-RPG Warframe, have announced a new F2P first-person shooter. Keystone [official site] is its name and blending FPS with deck-building is its game. Players will get to journey around a mystical board game, shooting baddies with the help of abilities and weapons from their decks. Quite how it works is a mystery for now but this is pre-E3: we don't need no stinking details, only pure hype injected right into our eyeballs, baby! Ah. Well. All I can really show you is that ↑ artwork. It'll have to do.

Here's how Digital Extremes describe Keystone in today's announcement:

"With the look and feel of the 1970's retro-pulp era, Keystone will take players on a journey through a multi-verse that begins on the starting square of an intriguing, mystical board game. Players will wield unique decks of cards throughout the match that offer handy benefits, amazing powers, and fearsome weapons. With timing and resourcefulness, personally customized decks give players the upper hand in battle both individually and when strategically coupled with teammates' decks."

I'd imagine they'll have more to say and show at E3 in June.

For those who fancy helping to shape Keystone, closed alpha signups are live on the game's site. The first alpha test will run May 26-29th.

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