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The Only Winning Move: Wargame: Red Dragon Trailer

RTS looks pretty like an FPS

I showed the last Wargame: Red Dragon trailer to a friend who is knowledgeable about games. As it drew to a close they turned to me and asked, "What kind of game is this?" It's a large-scale real-time strategy game with a dynamic campaign map, multiplayer, hundreds of modernish military units, and taut tactical combat, but I don't know if it's a good thing or not that you can't immediately tell from the trailers that it's not, for example, a first-person shooter. I do know it means it looks visually impressive. I do know it means you should watch the latest trailer, twice.

Once to appreciate how it looks, and a second time to double check how the voice-over pronounces the world "stealth".

To confirm, the narration pronounces it "steelth". The sneakiest of all metal alloys.

Wargame: Red Dragon is the third in the Wargame series, and like its predecessors its set during the Cold War. This time it takes you east, and is centered around a fictional Korean conflict. I'm reliably informed (by Tim Stone, among others) that its predecessor AirLand Battle was excellent, but I have not yet found the time to double-click the play button inside Steam. Will I do that right now, after I finish writing this post? Probably not, but I do want to play Red Dragon more and more with every trailer. Which I suppose is the actual point of trailers.

Good job, trailer.

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