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Clustertruck Goes Platforming Across A Honking Pile-Up


Clustertruck is a first-person platformer about leaping across the backs of a convoy of perpetually-crashing trucks while dodging traps, and yet we've not posted about it before? That doesn't seem right. Maybe someone forget to tag the post properly. And mention the game's name. And say anything about trucks. Or the post must have said something so libellous that we agreed not only to delete it but submit to mind-wipes. I'm not sure how else to explain us missing such joyous mayhem. Come look at this:

Watch on YouTube

I know, right?

But I've double-checked: nothing.

For those who can't watch videos right now, I'll explain. You are so manner of giant jumpman, and go you leaping across a convoy of trucks. Many, many trucks. They're racing down the road towards a goal - your goal - but that's not helped by them crashing, flipping, raining from the skies, exploding, zooming under low bridges, passing giant swinging mallets, and driving through collapsing buildings and laser grids. Throw in leaderboards tracking times (with replays! hopefully as simple as Devil Daggers' one-click watching?) and you've got a fine-looking dodge-o-race-a-platformer.

In theory, at least. First-person platforming can feel awful even in the best of games, so I am more than a touch cautious, but the idea is delightful.

Made by Landfall Games, Clustertruck is due September 27th on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It'll hit Steam priced at £10.99.

Maybe you can explain what happened to us. We really would've posted this. It even has a free promo game smashing in a bit of Super Hot. No idea.

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