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A World in Conflict Conflict

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

I've been working in PC Gamer's office for the last couple of days, and with half an hour free at the end of the day, Tim told me to hammer out a blog post for them based around the game of World in Conflict we played at Lunch. Which Tim won. Frustratingly.

Here's a bit which stands alone out of context...

One of my favourite wins in World in Conflict was on a server where I was on the USA team, and the USSR were on a long winning run. It was close, but they just had a slightly better team. But I suspected they weren't *that* good, and decided to try something suicidal. They used their artilery well, so - playing Armour - I ignored the capture points and rushed for the backline to harass their support units. Two helicopter units chase me around the backlines as I annoy the couple of support players. I'm killed relatively quickly, but I've opened up enough space for my side to just sweep the map. By the time I've respawned my army, we're claiming the final command point. A crushing defeat after a string of such close-victories had the USA scratching their head. I left, grinning enigmatically to find clan requests in my account next time I logged in. Result!

It's more than a little rushed (I did say it was in half an hour, and it's hardly a short post) but this is the sort of thing which I'm thinking about doing more of here, as and when the right game presents itself. Clearly the ideal model would be Tom Francis' incredible diary of his ridiculous Galactic Civilizations 2: The Dread Lords game, which I'm never going to match, but I think it's a fun way to talk about the actual mechanics of a game - by getting specific and showing the thought processes and all that.

Is it the sort of thing people will be interested in reading? Read it and tell me, will'ya.

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