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Yarngasm: Saints Row 3's Genki Bowl VII DLC

Next Tuesday will see the release of the first DLC for last year's fantastic Saints Row: The Third, Genki Bowl VII. What is it? According to the details we've received, it's some sort of in-game event that will feature a number of games. And they are... Sexy Kitten Yarngasm, Sad Panda Skyblazing, Angry Tiger's Apocalypse Genki, and Super Ethical PR Opportunity. Yes indeed. There's a teaser trailer and some screenshots below.

So the leader of the Saints - that would be you - has been selected to appear on Professor Genki's seventh annual television event, which involves those activities mentioned above. Sad Panda Skyblazing will apparently have us sailing through the skies, while the Apocalypse Genki involves fighting through shark-infested jungles. And of course a Yarngasm means you'll be crushing innocents to death with a giant ball of wool.

Watch on YouTube

All hail Genki.

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