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Mark Of The Old Ones Is Upside Down Cthulhu Metroidvania


Yes, that headline actually does convey the game idea: Mark Of The Old Ones, which arrived recently on Kickstarter, has quite the concept, which involves the protagonist become a tentacular horror. They explain: "MotOO is about a unique and coherent movement mechanism. Thomas’ tentacles provide a totally unique way to experience an environment, evoking novel feelings of strength, momentum, and power. Basic movement has a relaxing rhythm that quickly feels natural, but gracefully navigating a dynamic environment challenges preconceptions of character movement. Thomas doesn’t swing like Spider-Man; Thomas moves like the eldritch abomination he has become." They've put together a demo to show what that movement system will be like, and it is fairly unusual. But can it stir the masses into raising $225,000? I guess we'll find out.

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