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An anonymous group of devs shamed me by making a game about a tree

I'm a leaf on the wind

A week and some ago we got sent a free game called TREE. It’s still free now. It’s on Steam. You can go and play it like, right now. Wowsers trousers! We love a free game here. TREE is about a boy and his tree, and you essentially play the tree (as much as you can be said to play anything). You click to grow your branches in certain directions, fill up with apples and blossoms, and then make them fall, all in tune with the seasons. It’s quite sweet and zen and will give you a nice breather in the middle of the day.

It was made by a group of self-described “semi-anonymous” Polish AAA game devs, calling themselves The Strangers. It seems they hold jams where they work on stuff other than the big games they have to. I love this. It’s like guerrilla gardening but, you know, guerrilla game dev, almost. Feels a bit illicit. Secretive. And therefore cool. But in pursuit of art. Monks copying illegal manuscripts. Make something you love out of sight of the man. Damn the man!

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