Behind The Scenes Of Writing About The Best FPSes
I'm right
So I wrote 17,000 words about the 50 best PC first-person shooters, which I think is the longest thing I've ever written, with the exception of some aborted, terrible novels I'm so grateful were lost to a dead hard drive years ago. I know lists aren't for everyone, but in an age when game recommendations disappear into the forgotten bowels of the internet within moments, we wanted to provide some perhaps longer-lasting reference points, and to plant a few more stakes in the ground in terms of being a definitive authority on PC games. I worked very hard to make this 50 informative and substantial celebrations rather than 50 bullet points, and really hope you found it a worthier read than features with numbers in the titles tend to be. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHICH GAME IS NUMBER ONE etcetera.
Clearly my selections were 100% correct, but the final list was not without some wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth on my part. If you'll permit me I'd like to go into my DANGEROUSLY WRONG-HEADED thinking a little more. These are the questions I asked myself while compiling the piece and attempting to keep it to 'just' 50 entries, and thus wasn't at all surprised to also encounter in the wake of it.
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