Early To The Party: Playing Games Before Release
The early bird
Perhaps it's because I was always a PC person and didn't follow any Japanese studios as a youngster, but the only game I've ever imported is Grim Fandango. I was desperate to play the game having seen a preview – probably in PC Gamer – and when I saw that it was available in the US a few days earlier than the European release, I jumped online and found a place that would send a delivery over the water.
It was ridiculously expensive, as I remember, mainly due to the shipping costs, but I didn't care because I'd be playing the game while everyone around me was still waiting for it to show up in the shops.
Because I'm an idiot, I hadn't factored in how long it actually takes to send a skellington overseas and I ended up receiving my copy of the game – which had presumably traveled on board the SS Limbo – slightly after the UK release. So I paid more, played later and had nothing but a slightly attractive disc sleeve to show for my troubles.
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